Suicide Prevention

Suicide has a ripple effect. Each death by suicide impacts a large number of people. In fact, it’s estimated that for every suicide, up to 135 people are affected1. Suicide is among the leading causes of death in the US2, meaning suicide touches the lives of far more people than you might realize. With the veteran suicide rate 50% higher than non-veteran U.S. adults3, military families are disproportionately affected by suicide. But there is hope.

The ripple effect shows us that events in our lives have a direct impact on the lives of others. So, what if we #ReverseTheRipple? Instead of being bystanders to suicide, Cohen Veterans Network (CVN) urges all Americans, especially those in our military communities, to take a proactive approach to suicide prevention. On this page, we offer ways to #ReverseTheRipple.


Warning Signs

Knowing the Warning Signs of Suicide could help you save a life.

Learn the Signs


Find Suicide Prevention Resources for you or someone you know.

View the List

Suicide Language

Recognize the Coded Language of Suicide – and what to do about it.

Learn More

Myths and Misconceptions

CVN Survey Reveals Misconceptions about Suicide

Stay Informed

Ways to Support

What if you had the ability to help #ReverseTheRipple effect of suicide? Well, you do. Our actions have a direct impact on the lives of others. In a scenario where a friend or family member may be struggling, there are many ways you can show support and be there to let them know that you care.


1 Cerel, J., Brown, M. M., Maple, M., Singleton, M., Venne, J., Moore, M., & Flaherty, C. (2018). How many people are exposed to suicide? not Six. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 49(2), 529–534.

2 National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.) Suicide.

3 Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. (2022) 2022 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report.